Archives For Yoga Culture

file0001602027103We’ve all felt the power of a yoga class, where not only the poses but the whole culture of the class transforms us to a sacred space. A space to find peace. A space to find stillness. A space to hear words and phrases you wouldn’t dare repeat in any other setting. Here are some I have collected recently.

Balance on your “sit-bones”

“Bow to the Earth”

“Squeeze your thighs tight, stimulating your reproductive organs.”

“Listen to your body”

“Draw a line of energy through your feet.”

“Try to push your knees into your armpits”

“Anchor your pubic bone.”


What are some funny phrases you’ve heard in a yoga class?

You are familiar with the benefits of yoga. I am sure if you have been following my blog, as a resource, you have learned about lots of benefits. But hopefully, also, you have come to understand my passion for discernment and education when it comes to adopting the culture too. Continue Reading…

The Yoga Legacy

June 14, 2013

I love the pictures I see in The Yoga Journal. A young mom set in a shoulder stand, balancing her baby like a trapeze artist. Or a middle-aged mother gracefully flying in standing bow, her little girl stretching her limbs in the same manner. As a woman, hoping to have children of her own some day, these pictures tug at the sentimental heart in me. Continue Reading…

The Yoga Experience

April 17, 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat’s the big deal with yoga anyway? There have been endless exercise fads over the years. What is it about yoga that is timeless?

This is what you can expect with my upcoming classes: A stretching of the body. Strengthening of the bones and muscles. But yoga is not just breath and sweat. It’s music in your ears. It’s scripture meditation for your soul. A dim room with candles circles your bodies. And the smell of lavender touches your senses. Yoga is an experience. And that is what I believe sets it apart from many other styles of exercise. Yoga is an opportunity to participate in an experience with others. Continue Reading…

The Buffer Seat Culture

April 2, 2013

file000449802250We have all experienced it, that awkward tension between you and the stranger next to you.  You and your party are attending a movie and file into a row of your choice, do you sit down next to the person already seated in order to make the most available space for others coming in? Of course not!  In fact, they probably have already placed their coat and belongings firmly in the buffer seat in order to prevent anyone from sitting next to them. Continue Reading…

Yoga and the Ego

March 28, 2013

file7561270859459One thing that yoga has taught me is that you cannot be a “show off.” When you think of yoga, it is common to imagine people in crazy, contorted positions. They are standing on their heads, or wrapping their leg around their neck. But yoga is so much more than inverted positions and advanced flexibility.

Yoga teaches us to be aware of our bodies. We breathe deeply and learn our limitations. Yet we do not judge ourselves or anyone else around us.

We simply accept where we are in our practice, thanking our bodies for doing what it can, and gaining the benefits of each pose.

It is when our ego gets in the way that we injure ourselves. When our eyes stray and look at the body type next to us, we get into trouble. We are all so very different; we each have our own fingerprint on the yoga class. Yoga says, listen to your body.

We need to be good to our bodies. If we focus on our breath, and let the body comparisons around us fade, then we find our own yoga mojo.

Have you ever injured yourself in a yoga class? What happened?


February 7, 2013

file0001031918094It was a busy Thursday at the office and I sat down on my mat, my bare feet stared up at me, residues of dry skin and shoe dirt caked on my toes. Calluses worn from my shoes marked every one of them but yoga practice beckoned me to release my bare feet. Continue Reading…

Awkward Moments

January 10, 2013

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine may not have been a scientific genius but there is so much truth in their words. How many of you have let a friend talk you into doing something you never would have imagined yourself doing? It may be an exercise class. It may be a contest or maybe a social gathering or a job interview. And how many of you found yourself a bit over your head and embarrassed? It’s okay. It happens to me a lot, actually.

But what amazed me about myself the other day is this: I tried some new yoga routines on a DVD my husband gave me. It was great! I loved it! But the first routine was a cardio workout to dance moves. Ask me to balance in strange positions and I’m in but move in coordinating rhythms? No. And I looked silly. I was so embarrassed! But here is the amazing thing. I was by myself. No one but me could see how silly I looked, and yet I was still embarrassed. That doesn’t make sense to me.

Why do I care so much about looking normal? Why do any of us let society’s definition of beautiful keep us from living and laughing at ourselves?

The truth is, we are all weird and awkward. Everyone in their own ways, just some of us hide it better than others. So take a deep breath and laugh at yourself. And try something unexpected. Who knows; maybe zumba is in my future.

What makes you laugh at yourself? Have you ever found yourself liking it after all?

Threads of Truth

October 23, 2012

I like the idea of sutras, threads of thought woven through time, held together by faith. As I am reading the wisdom of Patanjali, I am reflecting on perception and the abilities of the mind. Continue Reading…

Here’s another vegetarian staple for your kitchen. Enjoy!

1t olive oil

1/2 cup diced red bell

1/4 cup diced onion

1 1/4 t curry powder

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2t salt

1 1/4 cups cubed peeled eggplant

1/4 cup cubed peeled acorn or butternut squash

1 cup chickpeas, rinsed and drained

1/2 vegetable broth

3T white wine

Hot pepper sauce (option)


Chopped parsley

1. Heat oil in medium saucepan over medium heat. Add bell pepper and onion; cook and stir 5 minutes. Stir in curry powder, garlic and salt; cook and stir 1 minute. Add eggplant, squash, chickpeas, broth, and wine. Cover; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 20-25 minutes or just until squash and eggplant are tender.

2. Season to taste with hot pepper sauce, if desired. Serve with yogurt and parsley.