Awkward Moments

January 10, 2013

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine may not have been a scientific genius but there is so much truth in their words. How many of you have let a friend talk you into doing something you never would have imagined yourself doing? It may be an exercise class. It may be a contest or maybe a social gathering or a job interview. And how many of you found yourself a bit over your head and embarrassed? It’s okay. It happens to me a lot, actually.

But what amazed me about myself the other day is this: I tried some new yoga routines on a DVD my husband gave me. It was great! I loved it! But the first routine was a cardio workout to dance moves. Ask me to balance in strange positions and I’m in but move in coordinating rhythms? No. And I looked silly. I was so embarrassed! But here is the amazing thing. I was by myself. No one but me could see how silly I looked, and yet I was still embarrassed. That doesn’t make sense to me.

Why do I care so much about looking normal? Why do any of us let society’s definition of beautiful keep us from living and laughing at ourselves?

The truth is, we are all weird and awkward. Everyone in their own ways, just some of us hide it better than others. So take a deep breath and laugh at yourself. And try something unexpected. Who knows; maybe zumba is in my future.

What makes you laugh at yourself? Have you ever found yourself liking it after all?

4 responses to Awkward Moments

  1. How about: Doing Father Abraham with a bunch of kids and teachers and the minister. Ha!

    Anything that makes me laugh at myself is good for me. It is healthy
    to laugh.

    • That is definitely a good example and one I personally have trouble with when I am helping with children’s ministries.

  2. I loved this post! I tried zumba with some friends. I almost cried the first class when I realized I wasn’t sure how to move like that but everyone was just having fun and laughing and I eventually just went for it! It helped me to loosen up and be myself around them – even outside of the class 🙂

    Also having a kid allows me to do silly stuff like dance when a good song comes on in the middle of the grocery store. Before Blake I would NEVER dance and look silly in public, now I don’t care as much because it makes him laugh and that is more important to me than how dumb a stranger thinks I look ha!