Archives For Yoga Culture

Yoga For Everyone

June 26, 2012

When people first hear the word “yoga” they cringe and imagine themselves tied up in awkward knots. There was a time in America where this was a reality. Yet since then, a yoga revolution has occurred. Yoga has become a practice for everyone. No matter your age or body type, yoga is for you. You do not have to be able to lie on your stomach with your feet on your head or do a headstand to be a yogi. Yoga is more than your asana (posture practice).  Continue Reading…

Yoga for Insomnia

June 21, 2012

Does prayer put you to sleep? Of course it does. It forces you to slow down and focus on one object at a time. It gives you a sense of peace and security. In a similar way, meditation aids in our rest. And is widely known to cure insomnia. Continue Reading…

10)    You can reach every itch on your back with ease.

9)    You find yourself waiting in line at the grocery store, balancing on one leg.

8)    You like to fold up your body and hide in small spaces (that one might just be me)

7)    You get volunteered at work to stand on the chair to hang the decorations from the ceiling.

6)    When a frightening situation presents itself, you quickly bring your mind into a world of quiet and peace that, to your embarrassment, takes some time to be brought back out from. Continue Reading…

A Professional Dilemma

May 29, 2012

Yoga in Mexico was something to experience. Garden yoga, as they titled it was done outside in the grass. I have to say I prefer yoga outside in the fresh air. I loved the feel of the fresh breeze filling my lungs and the warm sun beating down on my face. I believe it the only instance where I would abandon my mat for the earth.

A yoga mat on grass is an unnecessary prop when instead the feel of the strength of your toes, grounding into the cool earth or the warm sand adds much to the experience. I choose the grandiose of nature over any atmosphere. Continue Reading…

A Mantra For Happy

May 17, 2012

What does it look like to be truly happy? To live simply. To possess a state of gratitude without want or regret? As I get older, acquire more money and stability, I find it harder to maintain these things. I find myself thinking with the logic and reasoning of my culture. For instance, Seth and I are very happy when we go to the cheap theatre here in town.  But I found myself lusting after the expensive theatre the other day, as we drove past. My brain said, yes it is terribly overpriced. I don’t even want to think about how much the food costs but we need to do things like that for a special occasion. Continue Reading…

The Art of Words

May 8, 2012

I am a long time believer in the written word. I’ve even invested some time in spoken words. But only now, have I truly learned how to use my words. Words are powerful. They, when used correctly, can appeal to the emotions of a person. They can change the intensity of a conflict. They can soothe the hysteria of a crisis. They can persuade. The can empower. They can destroy. Continue Reading…

A small bug crawls across your desk at work. It is too tiny to label. Who knows to which category of tiny winged bug creatures it belongs. Your impulse is to squish it. Of course. But have you ever asked yourself why?

To those within the spirituality of traditional Hindu yoga, they would say that reincarnation forces them to be mindful of all creatures, embracing non-violence with all living things. Continue Reading…

The People Vs God

April 12, 2012

Can we be so moral that we become disconnected with God? And I don’t mean just in the sense that we get busy doing all the traditional “good” things that we try to replace grace with works. I’m thinking a little deeper even than that. Continue Reading…

Chasing After the Wind

April 5, 2012

Yoga philosophy teaches that you can find all that you lack within yourself. We humans are a chasing race. Most people feel they spend all of their lives chasing a dream.  For some it’s a spouse or children. Others chase the dream of a job they enjoy, which gives them purpose. But overall, it is a searching for completion. We all have questions about life and who we are, what this life means. Yoga teaches that we have the potential to find contentment within ourselves. Continue Reading…

“The attitude you bring to your mat is the attitude you carry throughout your life.”

This is wisdom I have gleaned from my elder yogis. The physical and mental obstacles you face during your practice reveal your true colors and brings you face to face with it. Continue Reading…