Yoga for Insomnia

June 21, 2012

Does prayer put you to sleep? Of course it does. It forces you to slow down and focus on one object at a time. It gives you a sense of peace and security. In a similar way, meditation aids in our rest. And is widely known to cure insomnia.

On nights that I meditate, I sleep my most rested and wake feeling brand new.

Try it. I sleep best on my back. It is the best position for your joints and spine as well. Place a small pillow under your knees. Bring a hand to your heart and a hand to your abdomen. Breathe deeply. Follow your breath through your body. Releasing all other thoughts from your noisy head, come into the sensations of your breath. Feel it fill the belly. Feel it fill the lungs. Imagine all of the tension leaving your body as you release your stale breath out. Let the rhythm of your breath consume your mind, and gently fall into your rest.

When I did this, colors filled my vision behind my closed eyes. These colors were a comfort to me. They made me feel secure as I glided into sleep.

Rest is spiritual.

Say a simple prayer before you begin, if you wish but then clear you head of your chattering thoughts. This is not easy. It takes practice but don’t get frustrated. You will appreciate the skill later.

Do chattering thoughts keep you up at night? What things have you tried to help you fall asleep?

3 responses to Yoga for Insomnia

  1. Great thoughts Bethany. Usually I read a littlr bit. Brandon comes in and we talk. Then he prays for me out loud which is very comforting. Usually I can go to sleep pretty quick, but on the nights my mind won’t stop raising. Sleepy timr tea and a good book usually help anf yes prayer. If I wakr in the night reciting Bible verses and praying in my head is always good. Also, swimming at the Ymca in the therapy pool, or a hot bath usually relaxes me before bed.

  2. When we’re overstimulated or have unfinished business on our minds it is hard to get to sleep. I can see how the relaxing stretching and breathing of yoga can help you sleep. Sometimes it helps me to breathe slowly and count slowly with each breath. Reading books helps because it helps us escape our thoughts for a while. And the movement of my eyes tires them, and makes them close. But after I put the book away and turn out the light
    I sometimes need something more. That’s when I need to pray, quote the comforting Bible passages, and count breaths. May God bless us with good sleep, so we can meet each day with the energy to be a blessing.

    • I like the idea of counting your breaths. It’s just a simple something to focus on while, clearing your head and preparing for sleep.