The Awkward Poses

January 8, 2019

I’ve said it a lot before, yoga connects your body, mind, and spirit. It is unique in that it is packed with more than physical challenges. It challenges your mind and your heart as well.

There can be great impacts to just 15 minutes of yoga each day because it is therapy for your mental fatigue and stress. The breathing and meditation techniques give you the skills you need to manage stress in your daily life, embracing challenges with patience and confidence.6d26aa0933adca93e06e692291928071

But I want to touch on another aspect of yoga. You may not realize it but some yoga poses are designed to make you uncomfortable. Not just, tie your legs up in a pretzel uncomfortable but bare your soul uncomfortable. The postures are designed to take you out of your isolated-I-can-do-everything-myself culture and release your vulnerable spirit. We open our palms. We raise them to God, encouraged to find our own expressions.

We uncross our arms and dare to open our hearts to the Father in poses like camel and reverse table.

We sit in butterfly. We rest in goddess. And let our inner thighs fall open. Opening the psoas, releasing emotions connected to trauma and fear.

We sit and we breathe, letting all of the unrealized negative emotions pass by. We breathe in to see them. We breathe out to let them go.

Christ based Yoga is accepting our vulnerable nature and trusting in the power of God the Father and Jesus. It’s quieting our minds to feel his presence.

Yoga is vulnerability but it is also healing. Some will come to my class and not come back because the techniques are so countercultural from what they are used to. Its a difficult thing to do, but I encourage you to try a Christ based yoga class and let God transform you body, spirit, and mind.