Learning to Live Your Best Life

January 15, 2019

IMG_2441At this moment, my toddler is downstairs, screaming at my husband while I hide away in the office. You see, my two year old thinks I exist only to be his mommy. And even though it is at times a very rewarding and fulfilling part of my life, I have to believe I can be the best overall me I can be this year.

It’s so easy at this stage of life, when you have demanding self absorbed little people running around your house to think you are stuck and give up on your goals. You want to create healthy habits but you think you have to wait for a better season of life. But to be honest, from my experience, that better season never comes.

I have been struggling with disciplines my whole life. I am sure you do too. We get excited on January 1 and then life happens and we mess up. After that, we start feeling like it’s over. We dwell on our past failures and start to believe our goals to be unrealistic and impossible. That’s where we really fail. Perfectionism is not the key to achieving our goals.  I have so many regrets and failures throughout my life but I am learning to break those chains and embrace the new year with confidence.

My failures have brought wisdom. And my regrets have brought knowledge.

Make this the year you create healthy habits that last a lifetime. Make this the year you approach your world with gratitude, using your time and money wisely. Make this the year you really dive into your conversations with God and experience him more deeply.

I encourage you to join a Christian Yoga class and start these healthy habits. It is a practice that enriches body, mind, and spirit. Three birds with one stone is a pretty good start.