The Yoga Brain

March 10, 2014

file0001031918094-1What is it about yoga that makes your brain hum at the end of class? You know what I am talking about: that feeling of peace. Relief. That collective sigh like you have reconnected with a beloved old, friend.

I have never been in a class where I haven’t walked away with a silly smile on my face, sometimes doubting my ability to drive home. The feeling is intoxicating and keeps students coming back.

But what is it about yoga apart from other exercises that does that to us?

I assume endorphins have a play as any other exercise routine would but yoga builds a setting of calm and safety while challenging you to do things that take faith and concentration. 


It’s a practice that reaps a feeling of personal accomplish; it’s a place of faith that reaps a spirit of peace. It’s a sacred space to open your heart and embrace vulnerability, to open your hands and accept love.

Yoga presses on every area of life: body, soul, and mind.

What gives you the yoga brain? Is it the stretches? The breath awareness? Or maybe the ending meditation? Tell me about your yoga brain experience.