Archives For Christian Insights

Life Beyond Arts and Crafts

August 30, 2012

I just recently learned some great tips on creativity from an artist.  I would never consider myself an artist. I have the handwriting of a third grade boy and I can not cut or draw a straight line. But creativity goes so much deeper than arts and crafts.  We are all creative beings. We prove this everyday with our lives. We each have a unique design in each of us, set by our Creator. And being made in His image, I believe we all have the potential to create. Whether that is a new marketing plan or teaching technique, whether a new ice cream flavor or line of clothing. We all are born to dream, to work, and to create.  Continue Reading…

Be Found in the Quiet

August 28, 2012

The world is spinning. It is filled with so much diversity. Each day brings a different meeting, with a new person, from a different lifestyle, and a different worldview. Science. Philosophy. Theology. Like children on a merry go round. And the more arms who join to push, the faster it spins. You look up at the sky to see colors and shapes blur into one single image of nothingness. Continue Reading…


August 16, 2012

Have you ever felt drunk? Or so exhausted, you fall asleep while talking to someone? You walk around in a white haze, focusing. Focusing until your head aches and screams for sleep. Do you know what it is like when your body is deficient of vitamins? Your brain does not work right. You open your mouth to speak and your brain fails to do its part, your confidence coils up inside yourself and you long for sleep: the only thing to rescue you from the sadness. Continue Reading…

Exercising with the Devil

August 14, 2012

Let us venture into this conversation. Can Christians do yoga?  I really want to know what you think. Even though you know where my opinion lands, let us examine some of the issues. Pastor Mark Driscoll wrote one of the best essays I’ve read against Christian yoga. I love Pastor Mark! He is a great pastor and speaker. I even have a leopard gecko named after him. Yet, I do not share all of his opinions. His blog about Christian yoga very accurately sets forth the history and origin of yoga and its spiritual implications. Read Continue Reading…

What is courage? Mostly, I relate  courage to what I see in the movies but feeling that kind of courage in my real life is non existent. In terms of the extreme drama of cinema, I most certainly do not carry a gun and shoot bad guys. No one kidnaps my loved-ones or threatens to frame me and put me in jail. Nothing to that intensity asks of my courage. Continue Reading…

There are times when sadness and anxiety can invade your brain and cloud your reason. As a woman, I admit, there are times when I plummet into a state of emotional confusion and despair. When I was younger, I reveled in it. Anyone else relate to this thinking? I enjoyed wallowing in sadness and self pity. It was almost pleasurable to experience despair, as sadistic as that sounds. But as I grew older and got married, I realized I now had to be a grown up. Continue Reading…

You won’t see me at a Star Wars convention or hear me recite behind the scenes information about the Harry Potter movies. I can’t hold a conversation about football or memorize the models of antique cars. But put me in a room with other yoga practitioners and teachers, and I barely breathe in between sentences.

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Yoga for Salvation

June 29, 2012

Yoga teachers in America would say yoga is not a religion. It is a philosophy. It can be paired with any religion. I have studied yoga philosophy, though, and found beliefs and practices I could not embrace. They did not coincide with my religious faith. Yet I still embrace the general standards of yoga philosophy. Continue Reading…

The Beauty of Cheese

June 19, 2012

Have you ever met a cheesy Christian? I’m sure you have. You may even be one, and breaking news, I don’t think that is always a bad thing. It is so cool to make fun of cheesy Christians or just plain cheesy people for that matter but if you find yourself discovering beauty in the cheese, don’t sweat. There are benefits to a lot of things in which we wouldn’t expect. Continue Reading…

I do not own this image.

A while back I wrote about redeeming a culture that has so often been represented in a shallow and immature fashion. For me, that means creating yoga experiences that also challenge and develop our spiritual growth with Christ. It means creating an atmosphere that reflects beauty in an original sort of way. Continue Reading…