
August 20, 2014

file801343155029I have been thinking lately how some titles have connotations connected to them, expectations almost. When I was younger, Christian was the title that best fit an expectation in the minds of others, sometimes the wrong expectation. For instance, people hear the word Christian and think “judgmental”, “condemning” or “hypocrite”. Others may think, “compassionate”, “charitable,” or “meek”.

I then married a minister and adopted the title, “pastor’s wife” which carries, good vibes with it as well. People automatically assume I am a kind person.

They probably assume I talk easily with others, play piano hymns at home in the evenings, or they are afraid to curse in front of me.

But even more recently I have thought about the term “yogi” and how certain expectations are formed together with that term as well. Terms like peace and joy are closely connected.

What do you think of when you hear the term Yogi? How do those terms compare with what is associated with the term Christian?