Actually Alone

May 28, 2014

Reflected RaspberryDoes being alone appeal to you? I mean being really alone, unplugged from social media, even unplugged from the busyness of your brain. Is that something that comes easy or does it make you twitch a little just thinking about it?

Even though, I don’t have trouble putting my phone down and enjoying some stillness, I have found I have a hard time being alone. I think it is the extrovert in me who thinks every moment spent away from people is wasted time. I don’t know where exactly that mindset came from. It’s not from scripture. If anything, scripture shows Jesus taking His own quiet moments with just Him and the Father. He says no to people sometimes in order reconnect with God.

Mark Yaconelli put it well when he said, “The truth is we came into this world alone and we leave this world alone.”

And when we leave this world it is our relationship with the Father that matters. So my challenge to myself and to you as well is to say no to people sometimes. I still believe we should be conscious of people’s needs and live a life of service but we also need to rest and reflect on our lives and on God.

Isaiah 30: 15 “In returning and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength.”

What do you do to make time to be alone? Is it hard to eliminate distractions and rest?

2 responses to Actually Alone

  1. Joyce Cormican May 28, 2014 at 6:15 pm

    I think we need a balance. When God created the first man, He said,”It is not good for man to be alone.” The New Testiment church was encouraged to have fellowship. We need encouragement from others, but also time alone with God to let Him strengthen us. But if we’re alone with ourselves too much, it can be dangerous.

  2. Well said.