Insight from a Jogging Yogini

May 15, 2014

Feeling stronger. Breathing deeper. Now that my morning jog has gotten easier and my endurance much stronger, I am able to travel longer distances more easily.  And there is one thing I observed about myself yesterday morning that reminded me of my yoga practice: I felt clear-headed and calm.

It surprised me because I could only compare it to the feeling obtained through meditation.

It is the feeling of peace and contentment achieved through resting in the presence and promises of God. It is the feeling of refreshment and clarity that turning off your brain achieves. Meditation is like a good, night’s sleep for your mental state as well as a spiritual connection with God, and I love the afterglow it brings.

A good jog or run has done similar things, I find. And I think it is because I have gotten to the point where the rhythmic flow of breathing and feet against pavement can become a mantra chant that transforms you into another state.


Have you tried a form of meditation? What do you do to turn off your brain and find rest?