A Plate of Perspective

September 4, 2012

How many of us still pray before meals? I know I don’t. I gave that up years ago. Yet as a child, I felt it an obligation as a Christian. It set me apart as a Christian in the school cafeteria. Oh. I got taunted for it but I chalked it up to “bearing my cross for Christ.”

As juvenile as that perspective was, I now see better reasons for prayer before meals. Why not slow down our meal process to mentally absorb what is on our plate? A yogi, Richard Alpert, shared his perspective from outside the Christian culture, in the yoga journal.

He described his mealtime blessings to be a reflective time where he takes a moment to “quietly go inward.”

While, I do not agree with his philosophy that all things are one, I admire his passion toward patience, gratitude, and contentment when it comes to mealtime. Don’t we just grab and scarf most days? Even children, seated in their high chairs, wiggle their eager fingers at mealtime, being forced to wait until the blessing is said.

Next time you sit down for a meal, reflect on what is on your plate. Think about the origin of your food and  the nourishment it brings. Thank God for creating and providing that which satisfies your grumbling stomach. I know I will from now on.

What are you having for lunch today? Say a blessing. You do not have to make a spectacle of yourself, proclaiming your rituals to the world but simply and “quietly go inward.”

2 responses to A Plate of Perspective

  1. Eleanor Northover September 5, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    Wow! When I sit down daily to eat I never say grace or “bless my food” as some would say. If I am eating with others who say grace before eating then I will do the same. However, never on my own do I think about it.
    Thank you for reminding me to give thanks to the one who made it possible for me to have the food to eat.