Moving to Rhythms Unknown

April 3, 2012

One of the most addictive things to me in my yoga practice is that exuberant feeling of joy and accomplishment when my body bends, balances, or aligns in a way I didn’t think was possible. You work and work into a pose and then one day it happens. One day you just relax into it; you forget your fear of falling or breaking. You just glide into something beautiful.  When I am doing well and I am standing shoulder to shoulder with other yoga practitioners, all moving in synch with each other, I feel like a part of a grand dance.

Yoga is a beautiful dance, executed in harmony with the dancers beside you.

Sometimes our fear can keep us from our harmony with each other and with the God as well. We have a Creator who wants a personal relationship with us, but our comfort zone is so safe. We are afraid of falling and breaking. Trust is so hard.

“Just close your eyes and breathe.” I tell myself. And I find myself moving to rhythms unknown.

Do you have relationships where trust and harmony scare you? It’s not easy. What growth have you seen in your life you never thought you would? What growth have you seen in your yoga practice?

One response to Moving to Rhythms Unknown

  1. This sounds wonderful! It’s amazing what you can learn from your yoga that seems to apply to so many other areas of life. I’ll be thinking…