Archives For Physical Growth

Breathe For Today

May 15, 2012

Good health is hard. It is a mental battle with self to live intentionally. It means getting up early to exercise. Eating vegetables instead of bread. Passing on the cookies. And even giving up bad habits like smoking or drinking too much coffee. It means skipping the bedtime snack or saving the leftovers for another day instead of overeating. Let’s just say it. Choosing healthy habits suck. Continue Reading…

Yoga for Depression

May 3, 2012

I’m sure you’ve heard it said but how does it work? How can yoga ease depression? There is the obvious factor: yoga is exercise. And yoga like other exercises release endorphins into your brain that make you feel good.

I love seeing my clients leave classes with goofy grins on their faces and eyes half closed. They have entered into what we call the sacred yoga space. Continue Reading…

The Dangers of Sitting

April 24, 2012

As I have shared before, I have a job that allows me to sit for long periods of time. I sit on a yoga ball and preach the posture gospel throughout the day to many skeptics. Sitting on a ball is supposed to decrease the chances of developing back problems by forcing you to sit up correctly. Continue Reading…

A Time To Mourn Change

April 19, 2012

There is so much of the past that I forget to remember. My head is so full of the present. I am so addicted to the noise. Addicted to the new. Life rolls so fast, changes so quickly, and it is all exciting and new. Yet before you know it, you have grown so old that you don’t recognize yourself. You take a breath and realize the years that have gone. Lately, little parts of the past have snaked their way into my brain. Continue Reading…

Strength is a Verb

March 13, 2012

I have a desk job during the day that requires me to sit in front of a computer. While my job is a blessing in many ways, sitting is not a blessing to my body. The first couple of weeks began to build a tightness and soreness in my shoulders. I began to slouch and shift my body into positions that were not meant for my spine. I now sit on an exercise ball, which has caused lots of buzz among the people who file through our office doors. Continue Reading…

I’m learning a hard lesson. In my life I want to be good at something. I’m tired of fitting that old saying so well: “A Jack of all trades, a King of nothing.”  But what fuels that need? Is it human ego or Western culture? Why are we discontent and unwilling to accept ourselves where we are? A yoga teacher of mine once said, “Yoga practice is yoga life”. And she is right. The attitude we bring to our class is the attitude we carry through life. In the same way I’m learning to step back to where I am realistically challenged and get that right first before advancing. I need to carry that into other areas of my life as well. Continue Reading…

Have you ever wanted to inflict punishment on yourself, just for fun? Yeah. That seems pretty twisted to me too. Yet that is discipline. Discipline is punishment for a purpose. It is following a code of conduct in order to better your life. Yet words like control, rules, and punishment do not appeal to me. Continue Reading…

How To Eat An Elephant

February 21, 2012

Have you ever seen that Bill Murray movie, What About Bob? Baby steps were his method to success. Baby steps to the door,



                       to the elevator…

It’s humorous, yes. But it is also how I live too. Continue Reading…

Have you ever copied down the hours spent in your day onto paper? It is interesting to look back at every precious minute and see how you spent your time. Of course there is the obligatory hours of work. Those aren’t as interesting but it’s those extracurricular minutes that speak the loudest. Continue Reading…