Jack of All Trades. King of Nothing.

March 6, 2012

I’m learning a hard lesson. In my life I want to be good at something. I’m tired of fitting that old saying so well: “A Jack of all trades, a King of nothing.”  But what fuels that need? Is it human ego or Western culture? Why are we discontent and unwilling to accept ourselves where we are? A yoga teacher of mine once said, “Yoga practice is yoga life”. And she is right. The attitude we bring to our class is the attitude we carry through life. In the same way I’m learning to step back to where I am realistically challenged and get that right first before advancing. I need to carry that into other areas of my life as well.

God loves us where we are. Not to say He doesn’t long for us to reach great strides, but he also understands our limitations. He knows we are all made differently. Each person struggles with certain things.

His grace is big enough to accept us as babies and gently shape us into champions.

Yet we have to step back and get our foundation right. Get our balance, align the basics, and seek to understand our human nature. We must have patience with ourselves. We must align our spiritual goals with God’s goals and watch ourselves move deeper toward Him.

Is there something in which you feel like you’re an expert? In what areas of your life is it hard for you to step back and admit you aren’t as advanced as you would like to pretend? Does this need to pretend to know everything ever carry into your relationship with Christ?

One response to Jack of All Trades. King of Nothing.

  1. We are all learning and growing. We need to be patient with ourselves, and be thankful that God is so patient with us. We are His children, and He teaches and trains us or disciplines us with all the experiences we go through, and even people we encounter. We need to constantly focus on Him and His Word, so He can guide us. We will keep learning from our mistakes, and we will grow each time. It takes a long time to grow, and to learn what we are good at. And even if we just do little things in the name of Jesus, He will use it. Use everything, even disappointments or frustrations to grow closer to God. He uses everything to make you what He wants tyou to be.