The Dangers of Sitting

April 24, 2012

As I have shared before, I have a job that allows me to sit for long periods of time. I sit on a yoga ball and preach the posture gospel throughout the day to many skeptics. Sitting on a ball is supposed to decrease the chances of developing back problems by forcing you to sit up correctly.

For the most part, I have loved it. I bounce my way through the workday, (Yes. Literally) sitting up tall and leaving with stronger abs. Yet I have recently developed mild sciatica. We learned about sciatica in yoga school. The sciatic nerves are the two largest nerves in the body. They can become inflamed from sitting too long. It runs from your lower back down your legs into the feet. Even though I was sitting on a ball, I was still sitting.

This has made me want to emphasize standing and walking throughout my day even more. And a regular daily stretching routine is great for your body.

Once a chiropractor told our yoga school that we should be stretching like 30 times a day. It was some ridiculous number that regular people cannot realistically achieve. Yet a daily habit of stretching is important.

Some good yoga stretches for sciatica:   pigeon, happy baby, downward facing dog, and spinal twists. Really anything that stretches your hips, thighs, and calves. Even sitting in lotus, a position that is different from the way you’d sit at the office is good for your body.

Are you a sufferer of sciatica? There are many forms and levels of pain for many people. What kind of stretches do you do?

One response to The Dangers of Sitting

  1. I would have a lot of trouble if I didn’t do stretches every day. I think I would have more head aches, back aches, and leg aches. Stretches help relieve tension, and relax me. I usually do stretches each day after I take a walk or have done anything strenuous. Also after being out and need to relax. Stretching helps me feel better, and can even substitute for a nap if I don’t have time for one. I never can understand how people can get by without stretching. It even saves on going to the chiropractor
    as often. I’m sure it also lowers my blood pressure, along with the deep slow breathing. I think stretching also makes all the organs and circulation work better, thus helping with cholesterol and blood sugar.
    Come on, people, let’s be healthy! 🙂