The Art of Words

May 8, 2012

I am a long time believer in the written word. I’ve even invested some time in spoken words. But only now, have I truly learned how to use my words. Words are powerful. They, when used correctly, can appeal to the emotions of a person. They can change the intensity of a conflict. They can soothe the hysteria of a crisis. They can persuade. The can empower. They can destroy. Continue Reading…

Yoga for Depression

May 3, 2012

I’m sure you’ve heard it said but how does it work? How can yoga ease depression? There is the obvious factor: yoga is exercise. And yoga like other exercises release endorphins into your brain that make you feel good.

I love seeing my clients leave classes with goofy grins on their faces and eyes half closed. They have entered into what we call the sacred yoga space. Continue Reading…

In the early stages of developing my business and my vision, I was consumed with the image of a lotuslilly. This in my mind was a hybrid of thought. It was and still is my desire to maintain the culture and beauty of yoga while channeling our souls toward Christ and none other. These two flowers are significant: the lotus is to Buddhism what the lily is to Christianity. Continue Reading…

Failure with a Purpose

April 26, 2012

“My name is Bethany. I will be guiding you through your practice.” I reflect on these words and a small smile appears on my face. This smile, with lips pursed, hides a gentle laugh, and gives me away. The memories are flooding my mind. At 25, I’ve worn many hats to finally find one that fits. Continue Reading…

The Dangers of Sitting

April 24, 2012

As I have shared before, I have a job that allows me to sit for long periods of time. I sit on a yoga ball and preach the posture gospel throughout the day to many skeptics. Sitting on a ball is supposed to decrease the chances of developing back problems by forcing you to sit up correctly. Continue Reading…

A Time To Mourn Change

April 19, 2012

There is so much of the past that I forget to remember. My head is so full of the present. I am so addicted to the noise. Addicted to the new. Life rolls so fast, changes so quickly, and it is all exciting and new. Yet before you know it, you have grown so old that you don’t recognize yourself. You take a breath and realize the years that have gone. Lately, little parts of the past have snaked their way into my brain. Continue Reading…

A small bug crawls across your desk at work. It is too tiny to label. Who knows to which category of tiny winged bug creatures it belongs. Your impulse is to squish it. Of course. But have you ever asked yourself why?

To those within the spirituality of traditional Hindu yoga, they would say that reincarnation forces them to be mindful of all creatures, embracing non-violence with all living things. Continue Reading…

The People Vs God

April 12, 2012

Can we be so moral that we become disconnected with God? And I don’t mean just in the sense that we get busy doing all the traditional “good” things that we try to replace grace with works. I’m thinking a little deeper even than that. Continue Reading…

Portal to the Soul

April 10, 2012

From the time I was a young girl, trying to cultivate a relationship with God, I found it difficult to stop life in order to get my head into prayer or scripture. It took some time and learning about myself but I found that singing was the perfect transition into a clear mind focused on God. “Blow Wind Blow” brought me into the presence of God day after day for years. I would go off alone, close my eyes tight and sing at the top of my lungs. By the end of the song the words had become my own. I was exhausted with emotion, broken, and ready. The worship had begun. And I was ready to talk to God like He was sitting beside me in the room. Continue Reading…

Chasing After the Wind

April 5, 2012

Yoga philosophy teaches that you can find all that you lack within yourself. We humans are a chasing race. Most people feel they spend all of their lives chasing a dream.  For some it’s a spouse or children. Others chase the dream of a job they enjoy, which gives them purpose. But overall, it is a searching for completion. We all have questions about life and who we are, what this life means. Yoga teaches that we have the potential to find contentment within ourselves. Continue Reading…