A Time To Mourn Change

April 19, 2012

There is so much of the past that I forget to remember. My head is so full of the present. I am so addicted to the noise. Addicted to the new. Life rolls so fast, changes so quickly, and it is all exciting and new. Yet before you know it, you have grown so old that you don’t recognize yourself. You take a breath and realize the years that have gone. Lately, little parts of the past have snaked their way into my brain.

 My senses are overwhelmed by memories I have forgotten to mourn.

It’s funny how whole sections of your life can be hidden away for years and years. Until the back of someone’s head makes your gut yearn for an old friend you may never see again.

You look around at no one, wishing to see someone who you share some type of memory.

A smell transforms you back into childhood, a saying, or a taste. Suddenly you are feeling emotions you didn’t expect.  The power of meditation in my yoga practice is silencing my mind in order to remember my past, accept my present, and glean strength for my future.

Are you addicted to the noise? What steps are you willing to take to silence your mind and open yourself to insight of thought?


One response to A Time To Mourn Change

  1. When you’re young and busy, you just have to take time to be quiet once in a while and be able to think and listen to God. As I get older I find more time to think, and find that I am still the same little girl inside of this old body. I’m thankful for the gift of memory that God gives us, and I’m thankful that God reminds me of things that can help me to grow closer to Him, and help me be a blessing to others.