When I lead my students in meditations, my goal is to feed them. Yet, I underestimate how much God’s Word, memorized and spoken aloud, feeds myself.

I have always struggled to squeeze Bible reading into my day. It is something I am ashamed to admit. I have never understood as to why I could not take five minutes to sit down and read. It is such a simple thing but so contrary to my schedule. Yet I believe more spiritual growth takes place the more familiar we are with God’s Word. What if we made God’s Word a mantra that continued even after we have rolled up our mats and left the building? Continue Reading…

Start seated comfortably. Feet are level on the floor if you are seated in a chair. Hands come to a neutral place. Sit up tall, whether you are sitting in a chair or on the floor. Breathe deeply. Chest is open for deep breathing. Give yourself some time to quiet your mind. Be patient with yourself. This is not easy.

Once the rhythm of your breath has taken you away, meditate on these words: “In reference of your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.”Ephesians 4: 22-23 Continue Reading…

What is it about January that gets us motivated? When that new year rolls around, we make big promises to ourselves. We say, this year will be different. But what does it take to finally succeed? Redemption.

We have to believe that it is never too late to renew our promises to ourselves.

To get back up, forgive ourselves, and try again. Continue Reading…

I do not own this image.

A while back I wrote about redeeming a culture that has so often been represented in a shallow and immature fashion. For me, that means creating yoga experiences that also challenge and develop our spiritual growth with Christ. It means creating an atmosphere that reflects beauty in an original sort of way. Continue Reading…

A Professional Dilemma

May 29, 2012

Yoga in Mexico was something to experience. Garden yoga, as they titled it was done outside in the grass. I have to say I prefer yoga outside in the fresh air. I loved the feel of the fresh breeze filling my lungs and the warm sun beating down on my face. I believe it the only instance where I would abandon my mat for the earth.

A yoga mat on grass is an unnecessary prop when instead the feel of the strength of your toes, grounding into the cool earth or the warm sand adds much to the experience. I choose the grandiose of nature over any atmosphere. Continue Reading…

A Daily Meditation

May 24, 2012

Take some time to be still. Find a comfortable pillow to sit on or sit up tall in your chair. If you are sitting in a chair, place both feet firmly on the floor. Bring your hands to a comfortable place in your lap or palms up on your knees. Keep you chest open for deep breathing.

Take deep breaths. Focus on your breath. Feel it start at the bottom and reach up and out of your head. Hold it for a moment and then slowly exhale, releasing staleness and the negativity of your day. Notice your inhale filling the belly, filling the lungs, and exhale following it out of your body. Sit here for a while. Let the rhythm of your breath envelop you. Let it clear your mind of the noise and chatter that keep you from God.

Isaiah 30:15 (NLT) states: “This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:
‘Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved.
In quietness and confidence is your strength.’

Take some time to meditate on this. Meditate on the Sovereign God. Focus on  each phrase. Let this be your mantra today.

Fresh Perspective

May 22, 2012

Perspective.  I find it fascinating. The way that two different people can look at the same object or read the same message and interpret it in completely different ways stretches my brain.

There is an aquarium in my bedroom. It is a habitat for two firebellied toads. The rectangular glass home is topped with a rectangular black lid. Four sides. Two are obviously closest to my line of vision and two lie in the backdrop of the rectangle. This perspective reveals the acquarium to be sitting upright on the bookshelf  across from my bed. Yet on many mornings, my eyes play tricks on me when I first awake. The two sides in the backdrop swap places with the sides in the forefront. I can squint and squint for minutes but brain is telling me the acquarium is about to topple off of the bookshelf. It has made for a rude awakening on several occasions. Continue Reading…

A Mantra For Happy

May 17, 2012

What does it look like to be truly happy? To live simply. To possess a state of gratitude without want or regret? As I get older, acquire more money and stability, I find it harder to maintain these things. I find myself thinking with the logic and reasoning of my culture. For instance, Seth and I are very happy when we go to the cheap theatre here in town.  But I found myself lusting after the expensive theatre the other day, as we drove past. My brain said, yes it is terribly overpriced. I don’t even want to think about how much the food costs but we need to do things like that for a special occasion. Continue Reading…

Breathe For Today

May 15, 2012

Good health is hard. It is a mental battle with self to live intentionally. It means getting up early to exercise. Eating vegetables instead of bread. Passing on the cookies. And even giving up bad habits like smoking or drinking too much coffee. It means skipping the bedtime snack or saving the leftovers for another day instead of overeating. Let’s just say it. Choosing healthy habits suck. Continue Reading…

I admit. The Bible is not much help when it comes to understanding the nature of God. Between the Old Testament and the New Testament, He seems a little bipolar. Is He terrible? Or is He lovely? Does He command His people to kill women and smash babies? Or does He say, “Let the little children come to me”? God is so hard to understand sometimes, and it is hard to grow a relationship with what you can’t understand.  Continue Reading…