Passion and Purpose

November 3, 2014

Something that was said recently put my current feelings about life into perspective. “Lord, teach me to count my days so that I might present to you a heart of wisdom.” These are words spoken by Moses in Psalm 90.

I have always loved Psalm 90. It is so dark, and real, and emo all rolled up into one big beautiful prose. I have designated it for my funeral because it speaks so much truth about life and death.

Until now I have thought more about the death aspect of the psalm than the life aspect. But the life aspect has taught me to live every moment with purpose. It kind of all came together for me recently while teaching a yoga class. In yoga, we evoke feelings of strength, emotional grounding, and purpose through our postures. Trying to train our bodies and minds to sync to a sense of stability. And something clicked for me as well.

Every thing I do should be done with purpose. I admit; I struggle with burnout because I am involved in so many things.

But I am challenging myself to not get lukewarm with my commitments but to pursue God and people with passion and purpose.

I see that more now than ever before. When someone speaks to me, I will listen. Because our purpose in life goes beyond ourselves. When the day seems boring and routine, I will make every encounter count, because our lives have purpose.

How can you let God breathe more meaning into your day? What can you do to take the focus off of yourself and place it on others?

One response to Passion and Purpose

  1. I like what you said about our purpose in life goes beyond ourselves, and about listening to others. That is just what Jesus taught. It is very hard to put others first, but it will actually make us happier in the long run. God will help us do that if we seek Him first and put Him first.

    We definitely have purpose: “God created us in Christ Jesus for good works that He has prepared for us…” Eph. 2:10