How Yoga Taught Me to Survive the Recession

February 28, 2013

Yoga teaches us to live simply. To find peace with ourselves and with God. Principles of Contentment and Simplicity are key elements to surviving a financial crisis. Let me explain why.

Being content coupled with discipline helps us when we need to learn to live under our means. This will help you save money where you can. Yoga is one of the first disciplines I developed as a young adult and it became a pathway for other disciplines to fall into place in my life.

Yoga culture teaches us to eat healthy, organic foods. Learn to save money by becoming more self-sufficient. Grow fresh vegetables and herbs. You can save money and use what you need as it is needed. More money, less waste.

Yoga culture also teaches us to respect nature. Reduce and Reuse. Reusable items may be a bit of an investment compared to the 99 cent plastic conveniences available but it will save money in the end.

Yoga is my creative outlet and inspires creativity in other areas. Make gifts for others during holidays: String a necklace. Make some earrings. Bake some cookies. You don’t know what talents you have until you give them a shot.

And homemade gifts always mean more to people. It’s easier to dish out money for people than your own time.

In the same way, here are some other words of advice.

Take some extra time to make meals homemade rather than eating out or buying boxed meals. I was amazed! Homemade pancakes are so easy and cheaper than buying mixes.

Be content to eat normal portions. Yoga is about health and balance. Discipline yourself not to eat more than you should.  It will be lighter on your waist and your grocery bill.

Be thankful for your home, your job, and your family. Many people are out of work or even homeless.

Finally, give all of your extra money away to those who need it more.

It is important to be careful with your money but just as important to entrust it to the Lord. It is liberating to know that your discipline in saving money can also benefit those who are starving, thirsty, and in need of so many things.

What other ways can you save money?

One response to How Yoga Taught Me to Survive the Recession

  1. Just thinking ahead can help a lot. Plan what you are going to make. Find things on sale. Buy in bulk and freeze. Buy store brands instead of name brands. Of course making things yourself saves. Perhaps families going together to buy in bulk and divide it up. It is good to remember that God provides all the good things that we need.