A Passion in the Dark

February 21, 2013

file0002010793443What do we do that isn’t an obligation? Some days everything feels like a chore. Yet there are things that we choose to do with our lives because we have a burning passion for them. For me, yoga is one of those things. Even if I am not teaching, I will find myself always doing yoga.

This is what I know. I am a student of life. I am a student of yogaAs long as I am burning with a passion for yoga, others will take hold of that passion too.

All I need is to enjoy the beauty of exercise and peace, and stillness and let the followers fall into place beside me.

This is a philosophy I have always applied to my faith too. If you want to show the joy of Christ to the world, be joy to the world. Illuminate the passion you have for Him and others will take fire as well. Yet we have to be a student of our faith. We cannot stay stagnant in anything. Eventually, we will get bored and burn out. Instead we must keep pursuing truth and knowledge so that even if we our by ourselves, we still have that passion.

What does your passion lead you to do? What things in life are welcomed and do not feel like a chore?