Making Your Mark

January 24, 2013

If you had to choose one word to assign to yourself, what would it be? If there was just one statement you could make to the world, a permanent mark for your body what would it say?
This is something I have been thinking about recently, as I have reflected upon myself as a Christian, yoga teacher and my plans to continue that journey for the rest of my life.

Permanence is a scary word, especially when we are young and prone to change as we grow and discover our passions and visions in life.

Yet, the older we get, the more we welcome commitment into our lives: marriage, a mortgage, a career, children. We find that loyalty and faith are beautiful and fulfilling things when we choose the right person or ideas to be loyal to.

Excuse my ramblings to reflect a moment on what commitments you have made. Do these commitments define who you are? If you could pick one work to mark on your body, what would it be?

2 responses to Making Your Mark

  1. Hopefully this does not mean you are planning to get a tattoo. 🙂

    I probably wouldn’t be putting a mark on my body, unless I knew it would bring others to Christ. But I guess the Holy Spirit does mark us in a way to identify us as belonging to the Lord. If I was to choose one word that describes the way God uses me, I might say “encourager”. Of course on the negative side I might be called “controller” 🙂

    There is a lot of growth and learning all of our lives.