Yoga Beats

August 10, 2012

Music is the nourishment of life. I always know when I am becoming deficient because I start to become tired and withdrawn. There is nothing like a good song to enrich my heart and set it to singing. Music not only lifts my mood and helps me pass the time but it motivates me in my daily workout. A good playlist is a must when sticking with the discipline of exercise. And different styles are good for different exercises. For instance, when I am doing a cardiovascular exercise, an upbeat playlist is appropriate. And when I am doing yoga, a gentle yet driving pace is needed.

Have fun with your playlist. Choose songs that will encourage you to continue your workout.You know your weaknesses, what kind of song will speak to you and motivate you the most?

I use songs to push myself forward. I set a goal each day and slowly increase. Try it. Push yourself to two songs for your walk, run, cycle, etc. Then try three for a while, then set your goal to four. Lose yourself in the music while you accomplish your goals.

This is what my yoga playlist looks like: A Quiet Orient brings me into the sacred space that is my practice. Then the Weepies come in, singing about Sunny Days. Shane and Shane make their appearance and John Mark McMillan brings me to the throne room of God. Alexi Murdoch reminds me to Breathe as Abandon Kansas brings me in rhythm with the Earth Falls Asleep.

What does your workout playlist look like?