Chakras, Micro Currents, and Dr. Ann McCombs

July 20, 2012

Sitting in a circle of people. The room is dark. Our minds are ready. There are seven chakras in the body and we breathe our way through a meditation that opens them. I have to admit, the sounds are perceived to be demonic, the audible chanting noises that they make as they concentrate on different chakras. I sit and retreat into myself as the others continue. I don’t understand the process. It seems a foreign and unnatural.  And I write it off as against my religion.

Until a very respectable and intelligent Christian mentor of mine went to a medical conference and came back with the science behind the culture.

Non protocol medicine is a term coined by Dr. Ann McCombs. This is a holistic medicine approach to treatment. The science is way over my head and I have to admit, I am still trying to make it all click in my brain so if I misrepresent the testing procedure I apologize. Autonomic Response Testing or Non Protocol medicine words with your autonomic nervous system and  neural kinesiology. In other words, it uses the earliest warning system, your autonomic nervous system, which is located almost completely on the service of the skin. The ANS also regulates automatic functions like heart beat, digestion, and sympathetic systems. The kinesiology is the muscle test part of it.

The testing appears to me to coincide with the theories of the chakras because part of the testing deals with the seven energy centers and the organs behind them.

Our bodies contain electricity. A physician will use the negative charge of their hand to locate positive charges on the patient’s body. The body sends a micro current to the strong arm of the third party (someone standing with a hand on the patient and pushing against the resistance of the physician’s hand) when a positive or diseased and weak area of the body is found. This resistance indicates an area is blocked. And some of the treatment reminds me of this chakra meditation that I experienced as well. Verbally humming while tapping on the chakra area is suggested as the way to open it.

What do you think? Have you ever heard of this type of medicine? I am hearing more stories recently of the success of this testing. Ann McCombs says it is the medicine of the 21st century. If you have some knowledge of chakras or non protocol medicine, do you have reservations? Success stories?