Practice Makes a Mark

November 11, 2017

I have always said yoga is for everyone but it wasn’t until recently that I had a student teach me a new and important lesson in this truth. Yoga has the ability to take a student wherever they are, with whatever limitations and reservations they may have and slowly transform them into stronger, happier, and more balanced individuals.7fFGH24Z

My student of inspiration this week is an 86 year old woman who came to my class on the advisement of her doctor. From day one, I saw her struggle with poses on the hard floor on her knees. And her inability to get up and down by herself. I didn’t think my class was right for her but in spite of my offer to connect her with a gentler class, she stuck in with me and proved to me that you should never underestimate someone. After a couple months, she is now able to get off the floor more easily and is improving in many poses. She says she can get around more easily and even her friends have noticed. Of course her amazing smile is hard to miss too. She is thrilled with the benefits she has seen with yoga.

So what reservations have you had with trying yoga? Are you stuck on the stereotypes of yoga poses that tie you in knots and make you stand on your head? Yoga is for everyone. A chance to renew not just your body but your mind and spirit as well. Its our practice and each day is a baby step toward a better life. So what are you waiting for? Start your practice.