Charity and Contentment

February 17, 2015

shoes-5Until recently, extra spending money and shopping for fun were foreign concepts to me. I was always raised to see things like clothes and food from a practical standpoint. It didn’t matter if I wasn’t in style. It was what we had and we learned to be content. Continue Reading…

I was recently asked to respond to an article, discovered by one of my students. I have touched on this topic before but am always excited to return to the debate.

Therefore, let me present to you my response to the following article: Should Christians Do Yoga

First of all, let me say I admire Laurette for what she is doing. PraiseMoves is a great idea! I have tried similar techniques in my yoga classes before, and I am excited to see she is using postures and scripture together to minister to many. Continue Reading…

Perspectives From the Mat

January 29, 2015

PrenatalAs another season of teaching prenatal yoga begins, I have become aware once again to the beauty and excitement of creation. I love being a part of young women’s lives during this season, where a unique person is being created. To be able to help in whatever way I can with their journey through pregnancy is a privilege. Continue Reading…


January 20, 2015

I have seen students intimately connect with yoga recently through a freestyle method of teaching. I first saw this at a teacher training I did in Raleigh. The teacher told us to move into whatever flow of standing poses we wished. I was shocked and nervous at first. But for the next five minutes, I decided to block out the people around me and move as my spirit led me through my favorite standing poses. Continue Reading…

Yoga Therapy

January 16, 2015

ttronslien-Yoga is breath and movement. It is a mind-body connection that renews and ignites. There are so many things I love about yoga but one of its most appealing qualities, to many, is its therapy. Not just physical therapy, though that is part of it. But yoga opens an intimate and vulnerable piece of the student through the poses and techniques. Continue Reading…

New Beginnings

January 6, 2015

Let’s see.  . . It was when I was a senior in college. That was six years ago. Six years ago I took my first yoga class. Well, it was yoga/pilates but I quickly fell in the love with the yoga postures, not giving a second thought to the pilates. I loved how graceful the poses looked, moving in slow simultaneous motion with the other bodies around me. I loved the way it made me feel afterward, my muscles groaning from a workout in which I was unaware I was participating in at the time. Continue Reading…

Best Made Plans

December 31, 2014

Five WeeksnewsIt wasn’t until recently that I actually started feeling ambitious. Ambitious for the goals I have set for the New Year. Seth and I aren’t much into “resolutions” per say but we encourage each other to make goal lists every year at this time. Continue Reading…

Passion and Purpose

November 3, 2014

Something that was said recently put my current feelings about life into perspective. “Lord, teach me to count my days so that I might present to you a heart of wisdom.” These are words spoken by Moses in Psalm 90.

I have always loved Psalm 90. It is so dark, and real, and emo all rolled up into one big beautiful prose. I have designated it for my funeral because it speaks so much truth about life and death. Continue Reading…

The Challenge of Coping

September 16, 2014

ttronslien-0749What situations test your limits? When do your true colors show? Maybe it is when you are left alone with your thoughts. Or maybe it is when you are facing a large group of people. Ours fears and anxieties press upon us like a pillow, threatening to smother us and we are faced with the challenge of coping. Continue Reading…


August 20, 2014

file801343155029I have been thinking lately how some titles have connotations connected to them, expectations almost. When I was younger, Christian was the title that best fit an expectation in the minds of others, sometimes the wrong expectation. For instance, people hear the word Christian and think “judgmental”, “condemning” or “hypocrite”. Others may think, “compassionate”, “charitable,” or “meek”. Continue Reading…