Does being alone appeal to you? I mean being really alone, unplugged from social media, even unplugged from the busyness of your brain. Is that something that comes easy or does it make you twitch a little just thinking about it? Continue Reading…
Feeling stronger. Breathing deeper. Now that my morning jog has gotten easier and my endurance much stronger, I am able to travel longer distances more easily. And there is one thing I observed about myself yesterday morning that reminded me of my yoga practice: I felt clear-headed and calm. Continue Reading…
On Sunday afternoons, there is plenty of sunlight for class that I can easily light the room with only one pillar lamp and two windows. Walking around the empty room is part of the routine before people arrive. And it amazes me every time, the difference that occurs in the room, when I adjust the blinds just slightly. The smallest adjustment fills the room with so much more visibility. Continue Reading…
The rhythm of your breath. The rhythm of your feet against the pavement. The feeling of vitality coursing through your body. The sunrise on the water beside you. I love my morning run. Continue Reading…
What is it about yoga that makes your brain hum at the end of class? You know what I am talking about: that feeling of peace. Relief. That collective sigh like you have reconnected with a beloved old, friend. Continue Reading…
On occasion in my classes, we will do an exercise where you rub your palms together and rest them on your eyes and then your ears, and then your mouth.
Taking five long breaths between each, the philosophy of the pose resonates in your mind with each resting posture. Continue Reading…
Recently, I have started reading a book called Eating Animals by Jonathan Foer. I have myself been vegetarian/pescatarian for four years. So, I knew I would find this book interesting. I haven’t gotten very far in the book yet, but so far it is not the kind of book I was anticipating. When I think of a case for vegetarianism, I think it is a passionate, judgmental rant; one unapologetic guilt trip. Continue Reading…
Yoga is Spiritual. From peaceful warrior to Tree pose, you can’t deny the state of mind you feel in these postures. That is why I feel it is impossible to practice yoga without connecting to God. You open your heart in camel pose and let His grace pour in. You lift your palms and feel your control escape. Holding a pose doesn’t only give you time to build strength and find balance, it gives you time to reflect within your mind and restore within your spirit.
It’s the same connection I feel when I am sitting in prayer or standing in song; a feeling of worship. We can worship in many different ways, and everyone has a way they worship best. Yoga is worship for me.
How do you worship best?
Welcome to January and the time of year where everyone is feeling optimistic about goals and resolutions they have set for themselves. I never used to be one to make goals. I just lived in the moment and found contentment in whatever I decided to accomplish at the moment. But as I have gotten older and married someone who is very goal oriented, I have learned to get excited about goals. Continue Reading…
I love using verses in my classes that speak of the gentle yoke of Christ or the peace of God. I love to rest in the favor and love of God and find peace of mind. But faith does not survive on an easy life.
The truth of the matter is: Daily life is hard. Continue Reading…