Being a new mom, I have experienced many anxieties. It is a side of myself I didn’t know could exist. This anxiety was magnified recently when my little one started sleeping upstairs in his crib.
The first night he did well. I, on the other hand, did not. I couldn’t shut my brain off. My heart was pumping with adrenaline, and I was glued to the monitor. Finally after 4 am, I was able to relax enough to sleep.
The next day, as I prepared to put him down for a nap, I reflected on my mental state then compared to the night before. I felt a lot calmer. The difference being, it was daytime. I was up and so was the sun.
It is funny, the things that we fear in the dark. The light not only reveals what is hidden but brings comfort to those who are afraid.
And I thought about the passage where Jesus says we are the light of the world. It gave me new perspective to not only think about being someone to reveal Christ as Truth to the world but also to show them the comfort and confidence that we receive through the knowledge of Christ.
His perfect love casts out our fear and gives us confidence in His grace.
Take a quiet moment today to reflect on Matthew 5:14. Start your meditation by simply being still and connecting to your breath. Let it connect you to your body and the sensation of your breath. Clear your mind and accept the silence. Then take each word of the 16 word verse and meditate on them individually. Next, reflect on the whole verse and think about light and what its function.
How does that add to the meaning of this verse and how does it apply to your life?