Yoga Metamorphasis

October 16, 2012

What does the Divine Light do to you? Do you attend a yoga class or meditation without seeking anything? Maybe at first you may practice for exercise, but most people soon become absorbed in the culture. Surrounded by yogis, changed by their rituals and beliefs, you can not help but be curious.

 Raja Yoga seeks to transform a person on all levels of humanity. Both mentally and physically, as well as emotionally. A completed, metamorphosed being is the goal through the practice of yoga. The transformed yogi is full of harmony, peace, and selfless dedication to all created things. These are the qualities we see in many wise yogis.

These qualities of peace under fire and relentless, indiscriminate love for all creation are what strike the curious nature within us.

How can we too possess this kind of control over our emotions and harmony with the world?

 Even more so, how does this look for Christians? We have an even deeper motivation toward these qualities. Christ, the Son of the Divine God came to Earth to suffer so that we can be transformed. It is out of our overflow of love for Him that we love others. Our joy and peace are because He has won our souls for us. He is our Hope and our Promise forever.

How do you live? Does your life reflect a changed person? Have you made others curious just by association?