To Be

February 3, 2020

Eyes closed. Mind silent. God is here. And once again I feel His familiar love warm me and a smile come to my lips like I am seeing my beloved friend walk into a room. Except He has always been there.

I have come to learn that we are all different and we all connect with God in different ways. There are many ways to worship Him beyond the Sunday morning musical experience.

Reflecting on my week, beyond worship songs, beyond Bible reading, even beyond my attempts at short prayers throughout the day, I feel closest to God through meditation and yoga.

While all of these forms of worship are parts of our spiritual journey with Christ, it is instrumental to our faith to know ourselves and how best we grow in faith and connect with GodIMG_5971_editedlowsat.

Before I begin a class, I have the opportunity to set aside whatever mood I am in, in that moment. I take the time to breathe away any negative energies I have picked up from people or experiences and just be.

Just to be present with your Creator, Savior, and Lord. To not have to perform or think or act or speak. But just to breathe. Letting each breath be a prayer of thanksgiving for what God has given.

To just be is to connect in a way that teaches us we are loved just as we are. We are created in His image and His Spirit is alive within us.