Religion vs Philosophy

April 29, 2019

bipolarInside the term christian yoga, there implies something in need of restoration with the original practice of yoga in order to be a Christian. It is a complicated and sometimes very controversial subject. I have had conversations, some of them just one way voices, from both Christians and Hindus on the subject.

Yet one thing I have recently understood about it is that yoga is not a religion. I don’t deny that yoga is spiritual. Which is what makes it so beautiful to me in my Christian faith.

I feel closest to God when I am doing yoga.

But it is important to know that yoga is a philosophy not a religion.

Even so, my testimony to those who are discovering Christian yoga is that yoga philosophy does not completely align with Christian philosophy. I think it is important to be open minded to other philosophies, realizing the possibility that they work along with our faith but we need to be grounded in scripture, taking what we hear to the Word of God.

One thing that has given me confidence in the christian yoga concept is that when people discover it, it gets their brain asking why.

Why Christian yoga?

And Christians discover they now have a strategy for their yoga practice. They now have the opportunity to go somewhere and learn all of the same poses, except it is a safe place, free of any philosophy contradictory to scripture. Instead of thanking the universe, they thank God. Instead of simply connecting with ourselves, we take it a step further and connect with God.

Thank you, Jesus, that our spirituality has a name. A face. A story.