Let’s be honest. Everyone has one. It’s just for some it works better than for others. Granted, some of you may have had it surgically removed. It’s ok. There’s medicine for that, because its function is vital to a fulfilled lifestyle for all.
Of course, I’m talking about your thyroid. Many women suffer from unbalanced thyroid hormones due to an under-active or overactive thyroid. Even men suffer from this too. Though it is most common with women.
I have been dying to write about this for months, since I had been discovered hypothyroid and started life changing medicine. My hypothyroidism was the only life I knew for so long: hazy brain, poor concentration, slurred words, chronic fatigue, cold body temperature. Starting a medication to regulate my thyroid is like being awake for the first time.
It is as if someone has adjusted the picture quality on the TV screen of my brain and I’m seeing everything in HD. Smells are stronger, the sun is warmer, and there is so much for the eye to discover. So many details I never knew were there. Not to mention the energy that has come back to me. I thought I liked to exercise before but look out world! I feel superhuman when I exercise now.
That’s what made me decide to write about thyroid disease this week. Waking up this morning, after increasing my medication to further balance my thyroid hormones, I felt like I had the strength of three Bethanys enjoying my workout routine, ready to take the world.
Do you suffer from lack of energy, no matter what you do? Maybe you have an underactive thyroid? Talk to your doctor. I praise God I did!