Threads of Truth

October 23, 2012

I like the idea of sutras, threads of thought woven through time, held together by faith. As I am reading the wisdom of Patanjali, I am reflecting on perception and the abilities of the mind.

Perception in itself is interesting to think about: How our environment, our influences, our learned knowledge shape how we see ourselves, and the world. I know we each interpret from different lenses but is there one Truth?

I have always believed yes. Jesus is the Truth and only way to salvation.

Yoga philosophy would agree in that truth is one. But then say paths are many. And the path of yoga and meditation lead to a state of clarity where you can remove all bias perception that restrict the mind and see yourself clearly.

My question is this: Is this possible? Can we truly reach a state where our interpretive lens is wiped clean?

What do you think? Have you experienced clarity through meditation? Has it led to new perspective? I tend to view knowledge gained through lecture or experience, not stillness. How do you acquire knowledge?

One response to Threads of Truth

  1. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 The way we each see Jesus or interpret the Bible depends on how we were taught by others, and on our experiences. I’ve never been able to receive anything from silence, unless
    I had first listened to God’s Word so I have something to meditate on. I don’t believe we can find truth in ourselves unless truth has first been
    implanted in us. And the Bible says that all knowledge comes from God.